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New Year,
Same Love!
Join Us in Creating a Greener, Kinder Future for All.
Delicious complete dog food
Vegdog plant-based
wet and dry dog food.
Learn More
SOOPA treats!
Tasty and completely
natural treats & chews.
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Animal & cruelty free
Controlled EU origin
Without artificial additives

100% balanced dog food
with the best plant-based protein formula

Why plant-based dog food?

Want the best for your furry friend and the best for the planet and nature? Taffy & Lilly online store offers only the best plant-based products for adults and older dogs.

All dog food and treats are made according to EU standards and with only the best ingredients. They do not contain the most common allergens such as meat, wheat, soybeans, etc. and contain all the nutrients that our beloved dogs need in their daily lives. Healthy, cruelty-free and with a reduced carbon pawprint!

Wide selection of healthy dog products

Featured products

VEGDOG GREEN CRUNCH is grain free and soy free plant-based dog food, that will meet any dog's nutritional needs. It is optimally adapted to the nutrit..
16.90€ - 62.90€
Paw Spray is designed to clean and take care of your pet's paws and fur. It is made of 100% natural ingredients and enriched with nutritious vegetable..
Ex Tax:7.90€
VeggieAnimals PLUS VeggieAnimals PLUS
-10 %
VeggieAnimals PLUS is a natural and delicious dog food that is suitable for dogs of all sizes. It has been specially formulated by a team of professio..
23.31€ - 84.74€
-10 %
Brand: AMI
Ami Planet has been the world's first entirely plant-based pet food company since 2002. Their four pillars are: loving all animals, respecting people,..
21.51€ - 69.90€

Want the best for your pet? Choose natural products!

Satisfied furry friends

Smoki and I were very pleased when we came across the ad for vegan dog food. There was even greater joy at the first opening of the big briquette bag, when Smoki quickly tucked his head in the bag and start eating. So getting used to new briquettes was unnecessary :))
You really made our day. And for Medo not just a day, but a whole month 😊. He loves your treats incredibly. He hasn't tried the briquettes yet, but he was wiggling his tail 100 per hour when he smelled the bag so I don't think they will last long. ;)
Zara usually doesn't like briquettes and I have to feed her by hand. When I opened the Vegdog briquettes, she immediately popped her head into the bag and started eating.